
the magic Barber

Ithink this small boy is sly like a fox. Fist i thought the magic baeber was good person because he made everybody who live in crossways happy, but he was not good person. I thought this story is funny.



I went to Kagoshima overnight with my boyfriend. This was first time that I went to kagoshima. I like "Imo Shoutyuu". It's special product in Kagoshima. There are many kinds of Syoutyuu in Kagoshima. I want to buy, but it was heavy, so I gave up too buy it.
I went to Kirishima shrine. It was so beautiful. Then, I went to Kagoshima-city. We ate "Kuro buta" it is pork. It was very delicious.


Christmas eve☆

I wanted to go anywhere with my boyfriend, but he had competition of darts. So, he went to Risky Love with his friend. In the evening, I went to this place to meet him, then we went to Bull Shooter Kumamoto. We played darts for long time. Today, I did that I didn't want to do,but I could enjoy playing darts with my boyfriend and his friend.



Tommorow I have a speaking English test. I have to study...


Year-end party!!

Yesterday night I had year-end party of my job. I like party and drinking. We ate nabe and any kinds of hourse food. It was very good. My boss treated! I appreciated him. After we had dinner, we had a game of bowls. I like bowling, but I didn't play bowling for a long time. We separated two groups.
My teem won, so my teem didn't pay the money. Then we went to go karaoke. I was a little tired, so I want to sleep. When Karaoke was finished, I went to the bar that my boyfriend was working.


The Meeting

Today I had to do the meeting of my club, but many club members didn't come, so we couldn't do meeting. because of that I could goback home early. I wanted togo to shopping, but I had to go to my grandmother's house. She had a problem. The door in her houose was broken. My father helped her. She was happy. After I went to her house, I went to go shopping. I bought nothing....


Typing 10 Free time

When I am free, I read comic books. I like reading comics. I often go to Internet café with my friend.
I like watching movies too. I often watch DVD when I am free. My favorite movie is ‘life is beautiful.’ My hobby is playing darts. I want to play darts when I am free. But it needs some money. If I have enough money I often play darts with my boyfriend. I
(73 words)



I went to Megumi's hoouse. I like her parents. She and I have been friends each othere since we were six years. I can relax at her house like my house.


I went to my friend house with my friend. She had driver's lisence last week. Therefore we went driving midnight. We wanted to go Onsen so, we went to Shichijyou Onsen. We arrieved there at 2 a.m.
I met a senior there so, I was surpeised. I didn't think I met acquaintance. After we went to Shichijyou Onsen, we went driving to anyplace where we wanted to go. I like go driving so, I had a very good time!!



Famous sightseeing place in Kumamoto
Kumamoto has a lot of place that you should go.
Kumamoto castle is great. It is 400 years since Kumamoto castle was built.Kato Kiyomasa built this castle.This castle burned.So,this castle was restore once.
Aso is a very brautiful place.It's a noble sight.Aso has alot of farm.There are horses ,cattle.And there are a lot of hot springs.I love soak in a hot spring.
Special food in Kumamoto is "Basashi".It's horse.
And Kumamoto has many beautiful place. Suizenji park, Shirakawa suigen it is the source of water, and so on...
I has always lived in Kumamoto since I was born so I love Kumamoto. If foreigner come to Japan, I'd like for foreigner to come Kumamoto.




From: viw3wto4gh, 1 minute ago

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In my free time I like playing darts. Bu it takes some money. Therefore I don’t have enough money, I can’t play darts. When I am free in my home, I like reading books. I like (36 words)


Rich Man, Poor Man

I read Rich Man, Poor Man. The main characters are Adam and Martha.
Adam lives in the village and Martha is wife. Adam's son sent a letter for father with money order. Adam's money order was for a hundred pounds. Suddenly he was a rich man. The post office official will give you the money. Adam went to the post office but the official did not give him the money. He felt old and he felt poor again.I thought it is very difficult to get money. I want to be a rich. This story was interesting.



This morning I went to beauty salon and I had my hair set for took some pictures. I will have Coming of Age celemony in January.
I had to take some pictures before the celemony.
I thought it is hard to wear Kimono...


Diana life of princess

This is the story of a young woman. The woman became a princess. Her name is Diana.
Diana Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961. Daiana and Charles was happy. But in 1991 Daiana was not always happy. She dead young, But now there are many people who like her. I like her too, because she was so hearty. She helped many children. I respect her.


Typing 8 Free Time

My hobby is playing darts. So, when I am free, I often play darts. I like playing darts but I played darts before, I played darts so bud. Because of that I became dislike playing darts. Last Sunday I was free, so I went to JIYUUKUKAN with my boyfriend. He like play darts. So we played darts. I could play darts well. So I like playing darts again. If I stay my home I can’t play darts. When I am free in my house (84 words)


Today I had a good time with my friend AKI. She lives in New Zealand. She came back to Japan. She has a baby. Her name is Noa. She is very cute. But, she was sleeping when I meet Aki. So Aki's mother took care of Noa.
Aki and I went to go shopping, and cafe. We talked a lot of thing. I like Aki.
I had my part-time from 9 o'clock. So we didn't have enough time. But I could enjoy!!



I am free... I don't have someting to do. I am free.....


Typing 7 FREE TIME

Typing 7 Free time
When I am free, I read comic books. I like reading comic books. I often go Internet café with my boyfriend. He likes reading comics too. And I like watching movies. I can watch DVD at Internet café. Last week I watched “Dream girls.” It was very interest. My hobby is playing darts. So if I have free time I play (61 words)



Today Darts competition was taken place at "Risky Love". I had my part-time. So I can't join it. When my part-time was finished I went to "Risky Love" to boost for my friend. He got fourth place.


I was surprised!!!

Today I went to "Risky love" to meet my boyfriend. There was a customer who can make anything with baloon. He made "ANPAN MAN" with baloon. It was so cute. I asked him that please made a KERORO for me. He has never made Keroro. But he could make it. I was surprised.


I like KERORO. It is a character of flog. I can get its good if I buy "Happy set" at McDonalds. Today I talked my boss that I like Keroro. Then he bought 5 "Happy sets".I got 5 Keroro goods. I was very happy. But there are 66 goods. So I want to get more.



Yesterday, I watched "Spiderman 3" with my boy friend. I like Spiderman. It made me excited.



Takumasai is a school festival. I belong to literature club. I sell Udon and juice with my club members. And we made a scene of RASHOUMAN. RASHOUMON is a nobel written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. This story is very popular in Japan. This story appear most Japanese textbook so most student know this story. We wanted many people to see it.
About one month ago, we had a downtown parade. Then we made costume and "Mikoshi". November third, the result was announced. we


I have lived in Kumamoto for 20 years. So kumamoto is my hometown. I like Kumamoto. There are a lot of good foods in Kumamoto. Hours is the food I like. Kumamoto has a lot of beautiful place. For example, Mt. aso (42 words)


2nd day

Today is "nd day of the school festival. We sold 200 foods! We attain a goal today.

This midnight we will have a meeting. So I will sleep by the meeting. Good night!!!


Fist day!!

Today is first day of school festival. We sell "UDON with kimchi" and juice.
We have to sell 200 foods each day.
If we couldn't sell 200 foods, we have to pay money.
Today 120 foods were sold.
We have to more sell tomorrow than today.


Halloween Party!

Today is Halloween. So, a party take place at my friends house. But I can't go there. I have to do a lot of things today. Moreover I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. So this night I will go to bed as soon as possible.



Today I apllied to Extremely Short Story Competition. It was difficult that I had to make a poem just 50 words.


The Cup in the Forest

I read The Cup in the Forest. The main character were driving on a road near a big forest. The forest is very dark and quiet. He has an old and very beautiful cup in his hand. There were some strange words on it. They brought it, then he looked a strange man. They took the cup to the museum. The museum curator said that they must take the cup back to the forest just now and this cup belongs to Hakon they have to be careful. But they didn't take it back. The woman will sell it. She drives for a long time. Suddenly, she saw a strange man, Hakon. His face was dark and angry. She is scared. She can't stop the car and she can't see the road. Then the car falls into a river. The car, Nina and the cup are in the river. She was dead. This story was very scare. I thought sly is bad.



I went to "Risky love" to play darts with my boyfriend. Today I couldn't play well. So I became dislike playing darts ,,,


Had a good time.

My boyfriend has a part-time job tonight. So, he and I celebrated his birthday last night. After I gave a present for him, he looked so happy. When I looked his face, I was happy too.
I will go to the bar that he warks.


Happy Birthday!!!

Tommorow is my boyfriend's birthday. I want to celebrate his birthday. So, I went to go PALCO to buy a present for him. Before he and I went to PALCO then, he pleased a bag. I remember that.
I'm looking forward to be tomorrow.


The umbrella.

I'm a student too. I don't have much money too. So if my umbrella is stolen, I will very angry. Then I find a person who has my umbrella, I will shout!!! But Carla is not angry when she find her umbrella. I think carla is very suave.

WAI part 1

WAI 2-01: The First Month
Adj. Value
Book reviews



Blog posts






Posts w. pics


Posts w. links

Birthday Party

Two days ago, my friends and I held a birthday party for our three friends. We didn't say the friends "we have a party for you." So, they were very surprised and looked so happy.
We ate "Nabe". Some girl made it. It was very good. I had to buy three cakes for my friends. I love cakes so I was fun to go cake store.

Typing Kumamoto

Kumamoto is a very good city. I have lived in Kumamoto since I was born. I like Kumamoto because Kumamoto has a lot of nice place.
I like hot springs. There are many hot springs in Kumamoto. When I go to my grandmother’s house I go to hot spring near (50 words)



When I came back home, my mother was making something. I asked her "what are you doing?". She asked "chestnut cake".
I was surprised because I've never seen she make chestnut cake.
I helped her. It was very good. I want she to make again.



Next week, I have a school festival. I belong to literature club. We are making a scene. That is "Rashoumon". It is novel written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Today I drew a picture on the board.
I am not good at drawing but I did my best. I will have to paint tomorrow.



Today I worked at restaurant where I work there before.
I like this job. So I work at this restaurant again.


Today, fireworks competition took place in Yatsushiro. I wanted to go that. but I had to prepare for school festival. So, I couldn't go there. Instead of go I went to go "Tometeba" with my boyfriend and his friend. His friend was very kind to me. So I could enjoy that time.
After dinner we went to "KARAOKE". There were meny friends there. so we enjoyed KARAOKE together.



I work at Japanese bar. Last night I had part-time. Then 15 customers came to the bar. I looked one of them, then I was very surprised. He is my second cousin. He didn't know that I work there. He was surprised too. After my job we went to bar. We talked many thing. I enjoyed talk with him.


In the frame

I was surprised that Vera is a thief. First I thought Lisa, Alice and Vera are good people. But it was not true. Vera is bad person. I can't believe that she uses her sister's two kids.


My hobby is playing darts. I have played darts for about 1year ago. But it takes money. So I can't play every day. Last Sunday a frend of mine who lives in Yokohama came to Kumamoto. Then gathered some friend, we enjoyed playing darts. He is very good at plaaying darts. I want to be good at playing darts.
My boyfriend's hobby is darts too. He has a part-time at darts bar. When he has part-time, he can play darts. I am envious his work.

typing 4: Kumamoto (1)

Typing4 Kumamoto
I live in Kumamoto since I was born. I like Kumamoto because Kumamoto has a lot of nice place. For example, Kumamoto has a castle in Kumamoto city, Mt. Aso, and many hot springs.
I like hot springs. When I go to my grandmother’s house I go to hot spring near her house. It is very good. And Kumamoto has many nice food. One of it is (66 words)



Today I spent a lot of time using a computer. I had to homework. I was tired.


Grand mother's house

this morning I went to Hitoyoshi with my parents. My father's mother lives in Hitoyoshi. When we arrived there, we ate lunch that was cooked by my grandmother.
It was very delicious. Then we visited a grave.
In the night My ant and her family came my grandmother's house. Then we had a BBQ in the yard. I ate too much because it was very delicious.


Today I wake up early. After we ate breakfast, we clean up yard where my grandmother can't clean. When we finished cleaning, we were dirty. then we went to hot spring near my grandmother's house. I like the hot spring.
Then we went to back my grandmother's house. We talked a lot of things. I love my grandmother.
In the enening we went to back our home. I had avery good weekend.


Bad day.....

Today is bad day for me. First I overslept this morning. Second I couldn't find what I had lost. Third quarrel with my boyfriend.
I want to go to bed early today...


my pleasing

This afternoon I found a pretty restaurant. It's a very small. But it is very confortable. The food is very delicious. Moreover it is not expensive and the restaurant stands on near my house.


A friend of mine who lives in New Zealand came back to Kumamoto. She is same age as me. She has a baby 4 manths old. Her name is NOA. I want to meet her. Proably, the baby is very cute.
I'm looking forward to meeting their.


Billy and the Queen

I think it is good idea that they take a photo in Madame Tussaud's. But I think it is a little cunning. This story is funny! I like this story.

food & drink

I like eating and drinking. I like sweets. I love chocolate. Sometime I eat chocolate too much. And I love fruit. Especially, I love grapefruits. I want to eat it everyday. But I can’t do.
I like eating, so I want to be a good at cooking. Now I can’t cook well. My mother is good at cooking so my (60 words)

part time

This night I had a part time job. I don't like my job. I want to get a new job. So I am looking for new job...



I went to go shopping with my friend. I bought a new shoes. I like this shoes.



Yesterday I took part in the parade. I had to get up early last morning so I was very tired. But it was very fun.
After parade we took end the parade off with a drinking party. I was tired. But I enjoyed it.



At last downtown parade will be took hold tomorrow. Our "Mikoshi" is not finish. So, we have to hurry!!! I have to do alot of things.



Yesterday I went to Japanese bar with my boyfriend. We drunk and ate a lot.
There were a lot of customer. So, there was noisy. But we had a good time.



This Saturday is a parade. So I have to prepare to the parade. I have to make costume for the parade with my club members.


Aki! Mariko!

Today is my friends birthday. Aki and Mariko. Aki lives in New Zealand. Mariko lives in Oita. So, I can't meet them. I wanted to celebrate their birthday. I sent e-mail for them.



I had a part-time this night. There was no customer today. I was free during my part-time. I don't like many customer. But I don't like NO customer too.


Summer vacation☆☆☆

I went to Minnesota during this summer vacation. I stayed with a family. I enjoyed my staying.
My host family was very kind to me, and they made me happy and fun. So I wasn't homesick.
I went to many place in Minnesota. The place that I like the best is Anne's mother' s home. Her cook was very good. And her family talked to me. I couldn't talk well in English but I enjoyed talking.


in the U.S.A

I am staing in the U.S.A. My staying is very fun!! my host family is very kind to me!! I am happy!!
But I thought that I have to study English hard.



Total posts:65

Monthly posts:
April: 7
May: 27
July: 9

Total wards:2793

Monthly totals
April: 309
May: 1178
July: 442

Number of compleated essays: 2

1. Kumamoto
2. University

Number of reviews: 11
See all book reviews


Highest score: 86 words.




My best essay: University
My best book review: The crown


1. 1 (04/08-04/15)
2. 2 (04/15-04/22)
3. 4 (04/22-04/29)
4. 6 (04/29-05/06)
5. 8 (05/06-05/13)
6. 9 (05/13-05/20)
7. 4 (05/20-05/27)
8. 1 (05/27-06/03)
9. 3 (06/03-06/10)
10. 6 (06/10-06/17)
11. 4 (06/17-06/24)
12. 7 (06/24-07/01)
13. 5 (07/01-07/08)
14. 3 (07/08-07/15)


Friend's blogs: YES
Kumamoto links: NO
Other links: NO
Library thing: YES


WEI Part4


Friend's blogs: YES
Kumamoto links: NO
Other links: NO
Library thing: YES


I read "The last photo". I thought the bank manager was fool.It was good accident that he came out the photo.
I don't like this story.

WEI Part3


1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 6
5. 8
6. 9
7. 4
8. 1
9. 3
10. 6
11. 4
12. 5
13. 5


Marcel and the white star

I read "Marcel and the white star". When I was reading, I was exciting.
He did a good thing. But he couldn't take the ring off.Then I felt pity for him.
But heis sharp!!He could take the ring off yo use a soap.
I became like "Marcel" series.


Leonardo DiCaprio☆

When I watched "Titanic", I became love him. But I don't know his childfoot.
I thought he is a sticker. I want to watch some movie that his appearance.
When I finished this book, I love him more.

WEI Part 2

Highest score: 86 words
See my typing post.




My best essay: University
My best book review: The crown


First time I typed 45 words. 2 nd time I typed 67 words for 5 minutes.
I want to be good at type well. I have to more practice.
Today's my typing.
I am a student. I go Kumamoto gakuen University. I enjoy my campus life.
I study English at the University.
Almost classes are concerned with English or international. The class is I like the best is “Listening”. The class thought by Mr. Minor. Listening class use a computer and I can study at my own pace. We listen to English music. I like listening to English music


Happy day!

Today is my friend's birthday. We are friends for 14 years.
Now, we are on friendly terms with her and all of family.
I always depend on her. I appreciate her kindness.


KIMURA TAKUYA is so cool!!

I watched a DVD "Bushi-no-Ichibun". I like watching movies. This is very good. Main character is Kimura Takuya. This story, he became blindness.
He is a "Samurai". He loved his wife. Since he loves his wife very much, he became a killer.
This story made me sad.



Yesterday, I received a e-mail. It was from my host family.
I was happy. I want to meet there.
There are two children in my host family. I like children so I am looking forward to meeting there.


Mika ☆

I went to downtown with my frend. Her name is Mika. She is a very cute girl. I like her. She is funny and very kind. She always make me happy.
We bought cloths. She bought a T-shirt and I bought a skirt. Then we went to Starbucks coffee. We eat a piece of cheese cake. It was very delicious.
Because I had my part-time, we must go. It was two or three hours, but very fun.
I want to play with her.



I send e-mail to my host family. I want to get there e-mail.

I'm looking forward to going to America.

I want to go to know American culture.

WEI part 1

Total posts:63

Monthly posts:
April: 7
May: 27
July: 9

Total wards:3575

Monthly totals
April: 386
May: 1547
July: 475

Number of completed essays: 2

1. Kumamoto
2. University

Number of reviews: 11
See all book reviews



Yesterday, my friend's baby was born. She lives in New Zealand. We are friends, since we were elementary school students.

She send me a her baby's picture. She is very cute.

Marcel and the Mona Lisa

I read the book that is "Marcel and the Mona Lisa".
This story is cute. Marcel is brave. There are no person who know Marcel helped Mona Lisa.



Today, My boyfriend had a darts meeting. That's name "GOLD". I didn't take part in. I went to RISKY LOVE to support him.
I like darts very much. So I am happy just liiking.
Finished the meeting then we went to the Japanese bar. We drunk and eat. I like YAKITORI☆


I went to the darts bar. There are many picture on the wall. I found the some pictures show acpuaintance.
I didn't have enough money. So, I couldn't play enough.


Today's typing test.I typed 38 wards. It's few. I have to practice typing.I want to type more wards.

the crown

At the beginning of this story,I thought this story is horror fiction.So I was going to stop reading.But,I didn't.
When I finished read chapter1 I thought that Paxton found the last crown and stolen it,and Paxton is bad man.
I tought Paxton is possessed by an spirit.
When I was reading this story,I was scared.
I don't like such this story.


comic book

I like reading comic books. When I have free time ,I read comic books. The book I recomend is 'Soil'. This book is a little strange. But this book draw me into the book.

If you have a time Please read this.



Yesterday, I had bowling contest the auspices of my club.The fist can get a prize to the value of abouy\8000.I couldn't first...Miki a friends of mine is No.1 ☆She doesn't look she can do well. But she is good at bowling.
I couldn't give a prize but I had a good time.

April in moscow

This STORY is lovely. I thought April is lucky. She can work in Moscow and meet a good boy.



I go Kumamoto Gakuen University. I enjoy my campus life.I am a student majoring in English.
I belong to Bungei club.After school I often have part-time.

Almost class are concerned with English or international.The class I like best is Listening class.The class thought by Mr.Minor.Listening class use a computer and I can study at my own pace.We listen to English music.I like listen to English music.So I love listening class.

I belong to the literature club.We stayed in a camp this spring.We went to Hitoyoshi. And we will go to Okinawa in this summer.But maybe I can't go. but I'm looking foward to school festival. School festival is biggest ivent.During summer vacation, we prepare to scool festival. we make 'Mikoshi' and uniform for advertisement.It's hard work, but when it finished ,we have a sense of achievement.

After shool, I often have my part time. I work at Japanese bar in downtown.I have worked at this Japanese bar for about a month.Now, I am used to working.Begining I don't like have my part time . But now I 'm fun.

a sightseeing spot I recommend

Kumamoto has a lot of sightseeing spot.A sightseeing spot I recommend is Kusasenri.


With my friend

After my part-time, I went to japanese bar with my friends. There were four of us. We are all good friends.I can talk everything. I like the time that I spend with my friends. My friends are kind to me.I'm happy.


I finished a book that is "Mouryou-no-hako".This book is mystery story. and this book is very long so it took me a lot of time to read the book.In this story, the box hold a person.It's too strange. also it is a little difficult for me.But I cannot help reading continuance.


A Movie I like

Today's writing topic is "A Movie I like"
My favorite movie is “life is beautiful”. It is about Judah. The leading role is very funny and very kind to his sun and wife.
I wrote 25 wards.



Today,I went to shopping with my mother. She bought pumps for me.
Then we went to cafe.I drunk "ice chocolate", my mother drunk "Icecoffee".
We had a good time.



I went to KIKUCHI gorge with my boyfriend. Today is cloudy but not rain. Green and river is very beautiful.the water is blue.It's very beautiful. I want swim but, it's to cold that we swim in this river.I was little sad ..... But we will go agin in this summer.



June 2nd is my familiar friend's mother's birthday.
My boyfriend and I invited to the birthday party.
We ate "Temakizushi".It was very delisious.And we ate a piece of cake.I like cake,so I was happy.


with my friends

I went to dinner with my friend who live in New Zealand. Last week she came back Japan. Day after tomorrow she will go New Zealand again.I often consult with her about anything.
We are a friend of the family.Today, we went to japanese bar , my friend ,her mother, my mother and I.
My friend is expectant mother. This summer she will give birth to a girl. I'm looking forward to seeing her baby.


I have stomachache...

In the morning I had stomachache... so I am so sad. Today is bad day....


I passed!!

I passed the interview test. So I will work next week.


interview test

Today, I have a interview test. Last month I left my part-time. So I looked for new job. the job is a stuff at Japanese bar.
I am tensed up. I hope that I pass the interview test.



My brther said "I want to eat home-made dish. "so my mother made a lot of dishes.
My mother is good at cooking.I can't cook well so I respect for my mother.


My brother

Today, my brother got home. I meet him after an interval of about two months.I am happy. I like my brother . He is funny.
He stay Kumamoto for three days.


I like the shop!

I like the shop that is nere my house. It is variety store.
There are some beautiful accessory.And there is cheap.
I go this shop once two weeks.

favorite book

Today's typing topic is "Favorite book". I like reading book.But recently I don't read book.
"da Vinci code"is very interesting.This is difficult.but I was absorbed inreading this book.
"little runner"is a one of my favorite book.The main character gripped the attention of my heart.



Recently I have some worry.I'm happy when I spend with my friends. but when I'm alone, I'm brood...



I thought this story is strange. If I lose my mobile phone, I will panic.And if I find mobile phone , I will take mobile phone to police station soon,or I will look for her or his home number from mobile phone.


Today's afternoon I went to shopping with my boyfriend.I bought some darts' goods.Now.We are in JiyuKukan.We played darts.Playing darts is difficult. But I like playing darts.I want to play darts well.And we can read comics here. We read comics. And we looked "ZoZo Town" on Internet."ZoZo Town" is one of Internet shop.My boyfriend bought a jeans. Internet shopping is very convinient.


I stayed overnight at Kakuresato no Yu in HITOYOSHI with my club's members. There is deep in the mountains.when we arrived this place, we played with water.Then we prepared for BBQ.When we finished prepare,there is a hot spring. So we soak in hot spring.After soak in hot spring we had BBQ and drunk.We enjoyed this trip. I got pleasant memory.



This cat is so cute.But i don't know this cat's name.When I went to a cafe the cat was.Maybe the cat is kitty yet.The cat jumped and kick .the cat looked fun.
I like animal.I want to a pet but can't.My house is banned from having a pets.

My grandmother's birthday!!!

Today is my grandmother's birthday!!This night I will call mygrandmother.I 'll say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"Just 7days ago is my mother's birthday.Next week (May 16) Iis my aunt's birthday.May is happy month☆

Mother's Day!

This sunday is Mother'sDay.I reflect what to do for my mother.But this weekend I will stay overnight with my club's members.So, I will be not at home on Mother's Day.
What does she want?I want to give her something that is interesting.
Last year I gave a shoose.

I want...

I want to buy new clothes.I have to save money for Kaigaikensyu.So,I have to work more.

my favorite place

My favorite place is my grand mother's home.
It has rich nature.There is a very beautiful river near my grand mothers house.Even summer water is very cold.

Labels (tags)

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  • juppun ha juubun
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  • etc


Yesterday morning,my boy friend's celluler phone was rang.We were surprised.Our friend who live in Yokohama arrived at Kumamoto airport.I had to go shool,I went the school.
During I went school ,they went to "round1" .After school,I joined then.We played darts.We had a good time.
He go back this morning............His stay was too short...



I read "THE BLUE CAT CLUB". I don't like the person such Marlin.He is spiteful.
This story is interesting, but I don't like.



I read "THE BLUE CAT CLUB".I don't like the person such Merlin .This story is interesting,But I don't like.


My mother's birthday!

Taday is my mother's birthday.I want to celebrate my mother's birthday.
But,I am not home.So,I rang my mothera little while ago.


Now I stay "Cybac" with my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is reading a "manga".He looks happy.
I don't have that Iwant to do but I am fun!



Today ,I will have club activty.I'm looking forward it.


I thought the parent and childis very sorry.
Jenny is considerate of her father.
I thourgt this story has ahappy ending.But the story a little sad.


this is my labels post

so tired!

Day after tomorrow ,I worked part time 10 hours.
I work at the restaurant. There was a wedding party at the restaurant.
The wedding dress was very beautiful. I want to wear that dress.
This job is hard but it's fun!



First I thought Felix is unkind. Because the family fondle felix.
But animals should live nature. After I thought Felix is poor.
At the last he can go back home. I was happy.
This book makes me happy!



Last Saturday、I had a barbecue with my friends.

My friend told me that we have only BBQ. But it was different.

They celebrated my birthday. I received a present.

I was very happy. I love my friends.

introduce myself!

My name is Yui. I’m a student at Kumamoto Gakuen. I live in Kumamoto. Kumamoto is beautiful place so I like Kumamoto.
My birthday is April 5, 1987. I’m 20 years old. I get franchise.Last Sunday I went an elect.
My hobby is shopping with my friends. Shopping needs money. So I work part time very hard.
There are four people in my family. I have one brother.


paper topics!

I will go Minnesota this summer vacation. My paper topic is the difference of between American life-style and Japanese life-style of the younger generation. I want to know about the people of my age in US.


had a cold!

Yesterday I had a temperature.
So I was absent school. Recently weather is strange. Yesterday is cold like winter.


make a cake !

Yesterday night I made a chocolate cake for my friend.
Its appearance is good but taste is a little bitter.


After school.

Yesterday after school ,I went to my friend's house. We watched "Death Note ".It was very interesting but a little difficult. I had a good time.


spring vacation!

I went to Hiroshima to snow board. This is my first snow board.
Beginning I couldn't .I slipped on the snow many time.But I practiced on snouw board two or three hours,I could snow board a little.
Next day my body hurt but it was fun!
I want to snow board next year.