

Famous sightseeing place in Kumamoto
Kumamoto has a lot of place that you should go.
Kumamoto castle is great. It is 400 years since Kumamoto castle was built.Kato Kiyomasa built this castle.This castle burned.So,this castle was restore once.
Aso is a very brautiful place.It's a noble sight.Aso has alot of farm.There are horses ,cattle.And there are a lot of hot springs.I love soak in a hot spring.
Special food in Kumamoto is "Basashi".It's horse.
And Kumamoto has many beautiful place. Suizenji park, Shirakawa suigen it is the source of water, and so on...
I has always lived in Kumamoto since I was born so I love Kumamoto. If foreigner come to Japan, I'd like for foreigner to come Kumamoto.




From: viw3wto4gh, 1 minute ago

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In my free time I like playing darts. Bu it takes some money. Therefore I don’t have enough money, I can’t play darts. When I am free in my home, I like reading books. I like (36 words)


Rich Man, Poor Man

I read Rich Man, Poor Man. The main characters are Adam and Martha.
Adam lives in the village and Martha is wife. Adam's son sent a letter for father with money order. Adam's money order was for a hundred pounds. Suddenly he was a rich man. The post office official will give you the money. Adam went to the post office but the official did not give him the money. He felt old and he felt poor again.I thought it is very difficult to get money. I want to be a rich. This story was interesting.



This morning I went to beauty salon and I had my hair set for took some pictures. I will have Coming of Age celemony in January.
I had to take some pictures before the celemony.
I thought it is hard to wear Kimono...


Diana life of princess

This is the story of a young woman. The woman became a princess. Her name is Diana.
Diana Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961. Daiana and Charles was happy. But in 1991 Daiana was not always happy. She dead young, But now there are many people who like her. I like her too, because she was so hearty. She helped many children. I respect her.


Typing 8 Free Time

My hobby is playing darts. So, when I am free, I often play darts. I like playing darts but I played darts before, I played darts so bud. Because of that I became dislike playing darts. Last Sunday I was free, so I went to JIYUUKUKAN with my boyfriend. He like play darts. So we played darts. I could play darts well. So I like playing darts again. If I stay my home I can’t play darts. When I am free in my house (84 words)


Today I had a good time with my friend AKI. She lives in New Zealand. She came back to Japan. She has a baby. Her name is Noa. She is very cute. But, she was sleeping when I meet Aki. So Aki's mother took care of Noa.
Aki and I went to go shopping, and cafe. We talked a lot of thing. I like Aki.
I had my part-time from 9 o'clock. So we didn't have enough time. But I could enjoy!!



I am free... I don't have someting to do. I am free.....


Typing 7 FREE TIME

Typing 7 Free time
When I am free, I read comic books. I like reading comic books. I often go Internet café with my boyfriend. He likes reading comics too. And I like watching movies. I can watch DVD at Internet café. Last week I watched “Dream girls.” It was very interest. My hobby is playing darts. So if I have free time I play (61 words)



Today Darts competition was taken place at "Risky Love". I had my part-time. So I can't join it. When my part-time was finished I went to "Risky Love" to boost for my friend. He got fourth place.


I was surprised!!!

Today I went to "Risky love" to meet my boyfriend. There was a customer who can make anything with baloon. He made "ANPAN MAN" with baloon. It was so cute. I asked him that please made a KERORO for me. He has never made Keroro. But he could make it. I was surprised.


I like KERORO. It is a character of flog. I can get its good if I buy "Happy set" at McDonalds. Today I talked my boss that I like Keroro. Then he bought 5 "Happy sets".I got 5 Keroro goods. I was very happy. But there are 66 goods. So I want to get more.



Yesterday, I watched "Spiderman 3" with my boy friend. I like Spiderman. It made me excited.



Takumasai is a school festival. I belong to literature club. I sell Udon and juice with my club members. And we made a scene of RASHOUMAN. RASHOUMON is a nobel written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. This story is very popular in Japan. This story appear most Japanese textbook so most student know this story. We wanted many people to see it.
About one month ago, we had a downtown parade. Then we made costume and "Mikoshi". November third, the result was announced. we


I have lived in Kumamoto for 20 years. So kumamoto is my hometown. I like Kumamoto. There are a lot of good foods in Kumamoto. Hours is the food I like. Kumamoto has a lot of beautiful place. For example, Mt. aso (42 words)


2nd day

Today is "nd day of the school festival. We sold 200 foods! We attain a goal today.

This midnight we will have a meeting. So I will sleep by the meeting. Good night!!!


Fist day!!

Today is first day of school festival. We sell "UDON with kimchi" and juice.
We have to sell 200 foods each day.
If we couldn't sell 200 foods, we have to pay money.
Today 120 foods were sold.
We have to more sell tomorrow than today.