
the magic Barber

Ithink this small boy is sly like a fox. Fist i thought the magic baeber was good person because he made everybody who live in crossways happy, but he was not good person. I thought this story is funny.



I went to Kagoshima overnight with my boyfriend. This was first time that I went to kagoshima. I like "Imo Shoutyuu". It's special product in Kagoshima. There are many kinds of Syoutyuu in Kagoshima. I want to buy, but it was heavy, so I gave up too buy it.
I went to Kirishima shrine. It was so beautiful. Then, I went to Kagoshima-city. We ate "Kuro buta" it is pork. It was very delicious.


Christmas eve☆

I wanted to go anywhere with my boyfriend, but he had competition of darts. So, he went to Risky Love with his friend. In the evening, I went to this place to meet him, then we went to Bull Shooter Kumamoto. We played darts for long time. Today, I did that I didn't want to do,but I could enjoy playing darts with my boyfriend and his friend.



Tommorow I have a speaking English test. I have to study...


Year-end party!!

Yesterday night I had year-end party of my job. I like party and drinking. We ate nabe and any kinds of hourse food. It was very good. My boss treated! I appreciated him. After we had dinner, we had a game of bowls. I like bowling, but I didn't play bowling for a long time. We separated two groups.
My teem won, so my teem didn't pay the money. Then we went to go karaoke. I was a little tired, so I want to sleep. When Karaoke was finished, I went to the bar that my boyfriend was working.


The Meeting

Today I had to do the meeting of my club, but many club members didn't come, so we couldn't do meeting. because of that I could goback home early. I wanted togo to shopping, but I had to go to my grandmother's house. She had a problem. The door in her houose was broken. My father helped her. She was happy. After I went to her house, I went to go shopping. I bought nothing....


Typing 10 Free time

When I am free, I read comic books. I like reading comics. I often go to Internet café with my friend.
I like watching movies too. I often watch DVD when I am free. My favorite movie is ‘life is beautiful.’ My hobby is playing darts. I want to play darts when I am free. But it needs some money. If I have enough money I often play darts with my boyfriend. I
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I went to Megumi's hoouse. I like her parents. She and I have been friends each othere since we were six years. I can relax at her house like my house.


I went to my friend house with my friend. She had driver's lisence last week. Therefore we went driving midnight. We wanted to go Onsen so, we went to Shichijyou Onsen. We arrieved there at 2 a.m.
I met a senior there so, I was surpeised. I didn't think I met acquaintance. After we went to Shichijyou Onsen, we went driving to anyplace where we wanted to go. I like go driving so, I had a very good time!!